Thank you for sharing all this Kara, and yes I couldn't agree with you more about every single aspect of what you said. This topic deserves books upon books , not a 4 minute blog post. Couples therapy is NEVER indicated when there is abuse as the victim is blaming him/her/themself and trying to change and be empathic which is adding to the pain suffering and abuse. I hold fast to my belief that the mental health field has a moral and ethical responsibility to continue the difficult work of learning how to help people. I don't agree that all narcissists are abusive and I don't agree with a premise that we shouldn't help them even though they are difficult to treat. Clearly I didn't say this well in this article since there is such a strong response. I should have been clear that I'm not recommending couples therapy, but intensive treatment programs for people do go to alone after the narcissistic injury that might or might not lead to a desire to learn and change.
Also, I'll check my stat, might have been a typo leaving out the point in .5
I'm so deeply sorry you had to endure abuse. I'm glad that you exited the relationship are were brave enough to read and respond to this article!